On a daily basis, I realize how blessed I am to have two of the world's greatest parents. It surprises people when I tell them that we didn't have very many "rules" in my family when I was growing up. Normally, you'd think this would be a recipe for chaos. My parents, in the running of our home, made the decision to implement something more important than rules. They instilled in my brother and me a sense of respect. This idea of respecting myself and those around me was the means by which I tested all of my decisions. You'll find that many of the "rule breaking" behaviors that kids partake in would not hold up to this same test. When a child learns respect, his actions radiate it. Not only will this lead to a decrease in bad behavior, but an increase in good and friendly behavior as well.
Working as a camp counselor, I'm exposed to many different children daily. All of these kids have been parented differently. The ones that have been taught respect stick out like a sore thumb. In fact, I could list them all right now. Likewise, those that have not been taught respect quickly become infamous among their peers and counselors.
It's incredibly sad to say, but the amount of kids that lack respect far outnumber the amount of kids that actively practice it. This is something that parents have an obligation to teach their children. If they don't, no one else will.
I thank the good Lord that my parents taught me respect. Furthermore, I ask that He equip me to become the same type of parent one day.