Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Around the Round

     As y'all may have noticed, "Splendid Surprises" is now "Around the Round!" This spontaneous name change was actually not as spur of the moment as you may think. I had thought about changing the name of the blog for a while to something more appropriate. Trust me, I loved the alliteration that I had going on, but "Splendid Surprises" really had nothing to do with the content of my writing. Don't ask how I got the name in the first place, because I really don't remember.
     I asked my dear friend Nathalie for her advice on the new title and she came up with the idea behind "Around the Round." For as long as I can remember, my house has been the "go-to" place for family and friend reunions. On any given night, there are bound to be people sitting at my kitchen table who do not actually live in my home. Throughout the past five years or so, I've noticed that many of the best conversations between friends and family were had at that same table. I came to the conclusion that round tables seem to facilitate easier conversation. While sitting at a rectangular table, it's fairly easy to avoid making eye contact with others. At a round table however, nothing goes unnoticed. The facial expressions and body language of those seated are blatantly exposed for the rest of the group to see. Although this may sound terrifying, it changes the dynamic of a conversation. The atmosphere goes from that of a business meeting to that of a family dinner.
     My hope for this blog is that it be a place where none of my thoughts or emotions go unnoticed. This humble little corner of the internet is where my deepest ponderings become exposed, completely unfiltered and obviously transparent. Included with each post is my invitation for all of you to take a moment and join the discussion at my round table. 

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