Thursday, July 3, 2014

Bible Photos

     As of this afternoon, I've started a new practice of inserting pictures into my Bible. Within the past year or so, I've grown to really love Scripture. One of the great things about this was that often times, people would come to mind as I was reading the Word. Naturally, I'd write their name in the margin and move on with my day. But, I didn't like how subtle it was. I wanted something that would really stand out. I desired a way to make the Scriptures more relatable to my everyday life. What a better way than to associate them with people I interact with on a daily basis? 

Here are some pictures about what I'm talking about. (Once these people see this, they're probs going to kill me...)

     I know some of you are reading this and shuddering at the fact that I actually taped things into my Bible! Some logistics... I used washi tape, which lifts up really easily without damaging the pages or lifting the ink. Also (with the exception of the family picture), the other ones are taped alongside the margin. Therefore, they're easy to lift and read underneath. Another option is to paperclip them to the individual pages... your preference really. 

     The Scriptures really are one of the coolest gifts we're lucky enough to have. I encourage you to pick a copy up (or read it on your phone) and experience all the graces that come from immersing yourself in God's word.

     Hope you're all having a productive and/or relaxing summer. Have a super 4th of July!!

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