My dearest followers, I must offer my most sincere heartfelt apologies for being MIA for the past two weeks! To say my life has been busy lately would be an understatement. What I'm about to share with you all is something that's not easy for me to do, but must be done.
I'm a pretty stubborn person. I will pull every trick in the book to try and convince myself that I'm not, but deep down I know the truth. That being said, admitting that I messed up without offering any excuse is something I consider close to impossible. I'm aware of this flaw and can sincerely say I've been trying to work on it.
This past semester at UH has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. I got very caught up in the excitement and joy that surrounded me, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, in the process I neglected certain other areas of my life. I'm not saying I had some huge mess up... I'm not failing out of school and my family didn't disown me. But, regardless, I feel that I did not put 100% of myself into my responsibilities this semester. Could I have put more effort into my relationship with my family? Most definitely. Could I have been more diligent in regards to my school work? You bet. Could I have dived more deeply into my faith? For sure.
Some people will try to tell me that I shouldn't be stressing so much. I even had one person tell me, "You don't need to put that much work into your family. You're living away from them for a reason." Well, with all due respect, I don't think that way. I have neglected many of my responsibilities for the past few months - I have not given them the time and effort that I personally believe they deserve.
But, what's done is done. For me, accepting that I messed up is a HUGE step in the right direction. I need to remember that I am called to live the way Jesus did, offering every single one of my actions for the glory of God. If I truly lived that way, I wouldn't even think to put anything less than 100% of my effort into all of my duties. That's my new goal.
Where's the Blogger about you squishy